"I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me, it is a stronger desire than ever." ~ Helen Beatrix Potter 1866-1943



May 20, 2010

Twist On An Old Nursey Ryme

               Here is something a little different for you.
This was done for my multimedia design class when we had to design our own picture using the numbers eleven and four. It's a little blurry but...
             Can you find the number 11
                 used in 4 different ways?

                            The answer found in next weeks post.



cindy@muttleymanse said...

I think I found them. Hope you will give us the answer soon.

Cindy~ said...

Hi Cindy.
Yes! I'll eventually give the answer but I'll bet you a moonpie that you already know what they are! (:
Thank you for visiting!

Olga Poltava said...

This is so much fun. Ok, I found 3 ways. But what is the 4th? I'll be back to see the answer.

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

I could only find three. Cute post. Have a good evening...Julian

Kathy said...

I think I have found them....I will be checking back to see if I was right...
Thank you for stopping by my Show and Tell...
and yes, Cindy, I do gasp - my husband still goes
'What?! What?!'
I am just enthralled and fascinated with God's creation!
Life is Delightsome,

Kathy said...

I have looked through your blog! I am definitely a Bea'liever! I love Beatrix Potter and that movie!
So Delightsome and so Delightsome to meet you!
Love your drawings

Frog Hollow Farm Girl said...

A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. Cindy, I just love your blog and I'm so glad that I found you again. It looks like I've signed up twice as a follower so you might want to edit one of them out. I'd love to mention you on my blog to let the bloggers that follow my little blog all about you. Are you okay with that? I look forward to hearing from you. Ciao, bella!

The Charm of Home said...

Oh, I love your blog. Love illustrators such as Beatrix Potter. Wonderful job.

Cindy~ said...

Thank you ladies!

Olga and Julian, I'll bet you saw them but don't know that you did. The picture is blurry so here is a hint- It makes you see spots.

Kathy, that's funny! ..and I love your word "delightsome" It's cute!!

Bella, please do! I have a button code in a post on down if you would care to use it. Thank you!!

...and Thank you Sherry. It's so nice to see and meet you all!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Count me in as well, I love all things Potter.

I also love all things Cow Over The Moon. It was my favorite song to sing as a child each time we passed the dairy off the highway. They had a neon sign with a cow jumping over the moon. When my mother knew we were coming up on the sign she would try to divert my attention. She had heard that song way too many times.

I do so love your blog. Its like looking back to my childhood. I am glad I stumbled onto your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your hint did help. I know I found them now.
I am in love with your somersaulting bunny.
Love your sketches too.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

I think I found 3 of them...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Anonymous said...

11 teeth
11 stars
11 spots on the cow
the 2 dashes behind the cow are 11 spelled out.

Nancy's Notes said...

I think so! I'll check back for your answer! So happy I found your blog, it's great!
