"I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me, it is a stronger desire than ever." ~ Helen Beatrix Potter 1866-1943



June 13, 2010

Untimely update!

I just received one of the the nicest emails from a fellow follower.
"Thank You Jacqui!"
She is one of my Bea'liever's from the adorable Magpie Chic so I thought I would leave her and everyone an update. I have felt terrible neglecting my blog. Spring quarter finished last Monday and then on Tuesday, my two sweet girls came to visit so I've had no time to get online until now. They leave tomorrow and it looks like I may be going back with them for a short visit in return. In the meantime here is an update until I can get my blog postings back on track again...

We visited the cutest little barn shop yesterday. It's one of my favorite's and there was a new teacup display! I just had to sneak a picture...or two. (;

Wouldn't this teacup tree be cute in a victorian kitchen?
Well, in any kitchen for that matter!

As we drove, I took a few more pictures. Here are a few from our island area...

Before heading home, we came across a community garden.
Wouldn't Peter have loved what's in this?

1 comment:

cindy@muttleymanse said...

Love the teacups and your sketch is wonderful! I am so amazed by anyone who has such talent. Enjoy your visit.