"I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me, it is a stronger desire than ever." ~ Helen Beatrix Potter 1866-1943



June 24, 2010

Sketch Worthy

This is the last day of my vacation before I return back home,
so soon there will be no more sketchbook slacking for me!
 In a little while, the girls and I are planning a visit to Manito Park in Spokane's beautiful South Hill addition to do a little picnic'ing and a whole lot of drawing. Who would not be inspired to illustrate with all of this beauty?  I truly hope to bring back something sweet for you. ...that is if I can sit still long enough to draw! *Crossing my pastel clinched fingers!*

              Okay then, I'll see you when I get back home!




Donna (Timeless Settings) said...

The park is so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your photos.


cindy@muttleymanse said...

Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing your sketches.