"I cannot rest, I must draw, however poor the result, and when I have a bad time come over me, it is a stronger desire than ever." ~ Helen Beatrix Potter 1866-1943



July 01, 2010

Pictures As Promised

I'm home!!
Since I've been back, there has been so much to do. Besides my boys, I've had my flower, herb and vegetable gardens begging for my attention. 

So in the last week, while I've been weeding and planting, I'm also working on a sketch that I hope to finish soon. Here is a preview...

I'm using white contra on thick black paper.
Did you notice who was peeking from the background?



cindy@muttleymanse said...

Lovely garden and your art work is beautiful as always. You blog is my "happy place".

Thanks for sharing your talent.

MOM said...

Yes, love your art as always....One of these days I am going to be surprised and see kids books art I bet. :)

Have a great 4th of July. Wish we could have been there to join you. I miss Mandi already, Smile.
Love U much.